Fernando Martín Salamanca

PhD candidate on a research project based the advanced characterization of rubber compounds using different experimental approaches under a common physical framework. The project is financed by the competitive call Garantía Juvenil CAM 2019 by Spanish  National Research Council (CSIC) and supervised by the head of Elastomers Group Juan López Valentin.

Title of the project 

Extending the elasticity theories, towards an unified physical framework to characterize rubber compounds.


Elasticity in rubber materials depend on molecular parameters that define the network structure. Crosslinks and entanglements have an effect that is already taken into account in different ways in the diverse rubber elasticity theories. Different experimental approaches to characterize those parameters are mechanical properties tests, swelling experiments and more recently double quantum nuclear magnetic resonance (DQ-NMR). The analysis of those experiments is based on different assumptions and theoretical approaches, reducing the consistence of the so-obtained results.

The main purpose of this work is to unify for the first time those approaches in order to work under just one theoretical framework as independent as possible from the experiments. This will lead us to a new methodology of analysis that allows to combine those experimental techniques for a better quantification of structural parameters as crosslink and entanglement density. Moreover, it could set the effect of other important parameters as network defects and space distribution of crosslinks (not taken into account in the rubber elasticity theories) in the properties of rubber materials.

Academic formation
2014-2018.- Physics degree in Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).


E-mail: fms@ictp.csic.es
Phone: +34 912587449 – Ext 443325 (Lab. 123)
Scopus ID
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